19 of the Pax showed for humid conditions at the Point. Death by Dice is an exercise routine borrowed from Twitter that I wanted to roll out (pun intended) to the Pax. Each Pax member would have a direct result on the exercises performed during this routine . No FNG’s so we went right into…
SSH x 15, Burpees x 5, merkins x 10, Overhead claps x 15. Run to the Covention center parking overflow lot for…
The Thang Death by Dice:
We line up on the near side of the lot. Each Pax member had the opportunity to roll the dice to determine what exercise the Pax would perform and how many reps. The first roll would determine the exercise and the second roll would determine the reps times 10. below are the roll numbers and exercises:
One = Merkins ; Two= Burpees; Three = LBCs; Four = SSHs; Five = Overhead Claps; Six = Squats.
So if you roll a 2 then a 6 (x10) = 60 Burpees. Of course that is a ridiculous amount of burpees so for the higher reps stuff like burpees and Merkins. We partnered up and split those reps up while Partner A did exercise and partner B ran up and back across the lot. The outcomes are random so I did not have the time to write all exercises down and reps. However we did a ton of burpees right out of the gate as the soft eight roll (2 then 6) popped up at least 2 times. We probably got close to 100 burpees, we then had a string of merkins and overhead claps with some SSHs scattered in between. We then finished with a couple of sets of squats. Just enough time for all Pax members to get a roll and sweat a ton, but of course not one THREE (LBCs) was rolled . Unicorn is currently calculating the probability of that outcome……mosey back to the flag for…
Mary, ; Low slow flutters x15; LBCs x 25; box cutters x 20. Time was up
Announcements. Rob Jutras doing well from brain surgery. Sasquatch 7/27 talk to McRib or Roboto for sign up. Acolyte is Q for Bear. NEED A Q FOR FARTLEK.
YHC took us out in prayer.
Always a pleasure!