Bushwood gets wet

June 13, 2018

“to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”

Warmorama – Skipped

Mosey to Garber Parking Lot
10 Burpees Mosey to first corner, 10 American Hammers
Bear crawl to next corner, 10 Burpees
Mosey to next corner 10 American Hammers
Bear Crawl to start. 20 Merkins
Mosey to next corner, 20 Squats
Crab walk to next corner 20 Merkins
Mosey to next Corner 20 Squats
Crab walk to start, then Travoltas x 10 each side
Mosey to next corner, Lunges x 10 each side
Mosey to next corner, Travoltas x 10 each side
Mosety to next corner, Lunges x 10 each side
10 Burpees Mosey to first corner, 10 American Hammers
Bear crawl to next corner, 10 Burpees
Mosey to next corner 10 American Hammers
Bear Crawl to start.

Mosey back to dock at NBCC
Stop under deck, Partner up, shoes off, shirts off
Swim to Oz and Cornfed. Air press x 30
Swim back

Count, names, announcements, closed in prayer
Always a pleasure to lead!

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