25 men showed up on another beautiful morning at Bushwood. We were joined by Scrooge from F3 Whiteville. Always great to have a visiting PAX member join us. No FNGs so I threw out the disclaimer and we moved into:
- Sun Gods forward and backward x10 IC
- SSH x 30 IC (Sputnik showed up as we were about halfway thru – so we paused and did 10 Burpees and resumed SSHs)
- Cotton Pickers x 10
- Imperial Walkers x15
- Down Dog Stretch
We moved into a snake run and ran the long way around to Garber ministry center parking lot. Along the way we ran into BubbleGuts and Bunker. YHC thought they were joining us and Bunker was finally freed from the whip. But no, apparently he overslept and was just running through his planned Friday beatdown.
Once we hit our destination we performed
- Corner 1 – 20 merkins IC 4 count and crab walk to Corner 2 for
- 20 squats IC 4 count and sprint to Corner 3 for
- 20 American Hammer IC 4 count and bear crawl to Corner 4 for
- 20 Plank Jacks IC 4 court and sprint back to Corner 1
We then split up into two lines for an attempted a double mint Indian Run to number 11 fairway. Things got a little disjointed and we kind of ended up as one big line with random dudes sprinting. At any rate, we made it to our destination where 3 cones were laid out. Lining up at the first cone we did the following:
- Sprint to far cone and back and do 10 hand release burpees.
- Spring to far cone and back and do 10 groiners
- We then moved into 7s with Plank Jacks (4 count) and LBCs with bear crawl to middle cone and crawl bear back to start. This got hard.
Upon completion we moseyed to club entrance with an all you got up the entrance and under the Club. I sensed a few of the Pax were close to splashing some merlot at the end of that sprint but I think everyone kept it under control. Under the Club we did people’s chair with 50 air presses and then moved to BTTW with a 5 count from each man. Spent we completed a Blue Hawaiian lap and back to the employee parking lot where we only had time for 20 Boxcutters. 0615 hard stop.
Again welcome to F3 Whiteville’s Scrooge. Some general discussion re: F3Dad’s Camp at Camp SeaGull August 17-20. I think there’s still a few spots available so sign up if interested and not already in. As noted above, Bubbleguts on the Point Friday. And someone sign up for the Bear. We closed in prayer. As always an honor!