20 men gathered on a beautiful morning of clear skies and cooler weather. With no FNGs we got to work.
SSH IC x20
Cotton Pickers IC x20
Down Dog/Up Dog/ Calf streches
Quad streches
The Thang
Simple concept this morning. Start from parking lot, hang a right onto Country Club and run. 15 minutes out and then approximately 15 minutes back. The kicker was every 5 minutes (starting at 0) stop and do 10 burpees.
Remarkably, the PAX returned to Bushwood pretty close to the 30 minute allotted time. Millage varied between 2 – 4 miles along with 70 burpees.
WWIs x20
Boxcutters IC x20
No announcements, PAX too busy trying to catch breath.
Closed in prayer.