A Pax of 19 men posted for the weekly Fartlek on a warm and sufficiently muggy morning at the NBG&CC. Our ShovelFlag was prominently on display under a light, providing the inspiration for the day. As it was YHC’s first time on Q for said Fartlek (complete with moisture-wicking exercise shirt emblazoned with the word “RUN” on it), the curiosity factor was running high. Mumble chatter ranged from disbelief to encouragement with laughter mixed in for good measure. At the appointed time, we began with:
- SSH 4ct 15x IC
- Cotton Pickers 4ct 10x IC
- Sungods 4ct 10x IC Front & Back
- Down Dog Stretch
- Sprint Parking Lot: Down & back with Diamond Merkins 10x SC; American Hammers 4ct 10x IC at starting point. Rinse & Repeat.
- Blue Hawaiian Lap: Al Gore for 6; Werkins 10x SC; Dolly 4ct 10x IC. Rinse & Repeat.
- Mosey Driveway down to Country Club Road & Back with Sprint between speed bumps on way back: LSF for 6; Knuckle Ranger 10x SC; LSF 4ct 10x IC. Rinse & Repeat with 2nd set of Knuckle Rangers holding the down on number 10 until sufficient groaning was heard from the Pax. You’re welcome. For the record, McRib was rocking ungloved hands for this.
- Mosey to Garber Parking Lot: Plank for 6; Grab some wall for Tricep Dips 30x OYO; 5 Burpees OYO; Mosey back to NBG&CC; Plank for 6.
- Iron Cross — Arms outstretched to side. Palms down 1 min., Palms up 1 min., Palms back 1 min. Last minute was difficult. Am I right?
- LBC 50x SC
- John Travoltas 15x 4ct IC each side
- No announcements
- Name-O-Rama
- Prayer of thanksgiving and request for wisdom and guidance
Men, thank you for posting today and for your encouragement/support for the Q. Pyro reports approximately 2.2 miles covered via The Ladder. Not a huge mileage day as far as Fartleks go, but I hope we can all agree that the Pax did, in fact, “run.” Again, YHC was both honored and humbled to be able to lead such an impressive group. As stated in the COT, today’s routine was a very close repeat of Oz’s ladder from back in mid-January, and represented YHC’s inaugural posting to F3. Giving credit where credit is due.
Bubbleguts on Q for Bushwood. See you Wednesday.