3 Is A Magic Number

Pax of 26 showed up on a perfect morning.  Bushwood is bringing em’ in!  Might it be time to consider adding a new AO on another day…or another location same day?  Food for thought…in the meantime with no FNG we hit the ground running with

3 Burpees OYO
6 High Knees IC
9 Sun Gods Forward and Backward
12 Cotton Pickers IC
15 Hill Billies IC

Last week’s snake run was so sorry that I just had to get in another one.  So taking time to set it up we eased into it and did a good job of staying together.  We ran the long way to the Garber parking lot coming in from Greenwood.  Stopping at the first corner I explained I would call an exercise at each corner, Bear Crawl to next corner and perform exercise, sprint to third corner and perform exercise, crab walk to fourth corner, perform exercise and then backwards run home.   We repeated this 4 times stacking another exercise on each lap and increasing reps of each by 3 each lap.  We also substituted Bear Crawl and Crab Walk for Lt. Dan’s and some other things that I really can’t remember.  The  exercises at each corner were as follows:


3 Merkins IC


3 squats IC
6 Merkins IC


3 Burpees OYO
6 squats IC
9 Merkins IC


3 American Hammer IC
6 Burpees OYO
9 Squats IC
12 Merkins IC

Running out of time, upon completion of Lap 4 we did 9 Burpees OYO and moseyed back to Club parking lot.  Once there we did 21 LBCs and 21 BoxCutters IC.  Hard Stop at 06:15.  As always it was a pleasure to lead.   Everyone pushed it hard today!

Thoughts and prayers for Foreclosure who has had complications from hip replacement.  Keep him and family in your thoughts.

Keep signing up to Q.  Some of you are due a Virgin Q!

Until next time…


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