On behalf of Bluegrass, guest Q and visiting Pax from The Grand Strand (North Myrtle Beach).
With my wife living 23 years in the New Bern/Havelock area and her parents still residing there I find myself in New Bern on a regular basis. I have been wanting to get out to both F3 New Bern and F3 Carterico AOs but something has always gotten in the way and prevented it from happening. I reached out to F3 New Bern to see if they had a Q for the Saturday beatdown as the website was showing it as open as there is no better way to commit yourself to something than sign up as Q. I got the twitter confirmation for the Q pretty quick and shortly after started the usual banter from OneCall, first describing me as some hippy yoga instructor (Not knocking hippy yoga instructors) that wanted to stretch and do downward dog for an hour. Clearly that is not my specialty so I had to retaliate and let everyone know that OneCall has been doing Hot Yoga recently, sorry OneCall the secret is out. Being unfamiliar with the location that The Bear meets I went back and read a few backblast to see what everyone was doing and what the options were for using the different areas of the school. I noticed several things that peaked my interest. First I noticed that use of the track and football field seemed to pop up a couple of times, particularly interesting was the fact that pull ups were able to be performed on the goal post. That was about all I needed to see, I knew I was going to use the track and the goal post. Didn’t really know how but it was going to happen but I had a couple of ideas to work with. I threw something together and with a last minute revision thanks to OneCall I switched out the Burpees on the Four Corner and used Body Builders which made a big difference. Hopefully the Weinke was a good one and everyone enjoyed the pain, I know I certainly felt it later in the day as I was walking around MCAS Cherry Point for the Airshow.
The morning of I arrived early, roughly 6:00am so that I would have time to put out a few cones and get my bearing before getting in a little track work pre-run. I was joined by another PAX right about time to start the pre-run and we decided to do 5 laps around the track at all out sprint on the straights and slow jogging the turns. We could have gotten two more laps in pretty easily but made the call to stop so we could make it to the front of the school and have a little time for me to get to know everyone. As has been the case with every group of F3 PAX I have met the F3NewBern group was extremely welcoming and immediately made me feel comfortable. That is one of the great things about F3, even when away from home you can go out find a work out and meet great guys.
- 15-SSHs IC
- 15-Wind Mills IC
- 15-Imperial Walkers
- Indian Run w/ 2 Merkins at end to track
- Four Corners-Escalator (Using 400m Track)
- 10 Body Builders
- 15 Iron Mikes
- 20 Merkins
- 25 Sumo Squats
- Interval Sprints
- 10yd Sprint 90yd Mosey
- 1 BurpUps using Goal Post
- 20yd Sprint 80yd Mosey
- 2 BurpUps
- 30yd Sprint 70yd Mosey
- 3 BurpUps
- 40yd Sprint 60yd Mosey
- 4 BurpUps
- 50yd Sprint 50yd Mosey
- 5 BurpUps
- 60yd Sprint 40yd Mosey
- 6 BurpUps
- 70yd Sprint 30yd Mosey
- 7 BurpUps
- 80yd Sprint 20yd Mosey
- 8 Burpees (Modified for time)
- 90yd Sprint 10yd Mosey
- 9 Burpees
- 100yd Sprint
- 10 Burpees
- 10yd Sprint 90yd Mosey
- 10-Peter Parkers IC
- I called Little Mermaid but we actually preformed Hurricane Hoedown, sorry about that.
- Thor
- Mosey back to Shovel Flag.
Thanks to all who came out and allowed me to Q at your AO, I am looking forward to the next visit and if I don’t see you beforehand I hope to see you all at the F3 Dads camp at Camp Sea Gull.
– Bluegrass