Nothing like a Pax of 26 and an FNG to really make a VQ a nerve racking experience. YHC appreciates your patience and understanding for the learning curve.
Octonary – relating to or based on the number eight. YHC likes reps with a definitive end that gives a goal to reach. Eight worked for easy counting that YHC mostly got. It also allowed a variety of exercises along with running.
Mumbled through the disclaimer. Got started.
- SSH 4CICx8
- Sun Gods 4CICx8; taeper & esnir
- Side Lunge Stretch until grunts were heard
- Downward Dog
The explanation of Snake Charmer was not acceptably defined, so here it is. Snake Charmer = Indian Run of a different Indian. Just a Snake Run, trying to give it a funny name. Tried. Failed. Moved on.
Mosey to Garber rear parking lot, found a partner for a few exercises.
Cycle Training – station #1 exercise, bear crawl to station #2 exercise, cut across middle aisle on a jailbreak to station #3 exercise, mosey back via back aisle, cut across middle aisle to station #1. Ran a figure 8 thru the parking lot – catch that?
Station #1 (Abs)
- 8 Leg Throws w/partner; switch omu
- 8 American Hammers 4CIC
- 8 Plank Jacks 4CIC
- 8 Box Cutters 4CIC
- 8 WWIs omu
- 8 Monkey Squats 4CIC
- 8 Low Slow Flutters 4CIC (did not achieve)
- 8 Squat Jumps omu (did not achieve)
Station #2 (Quads/Glutes)
- 8 Tarheel Debutante Pushes 4CIC each leg
- 8 Fire Hydrants (knee off ground) omu each leg
- 8 Copperhead Squats omd
- 8 Mountain Climbers 4CIC
- 8 Lunges (knee touches) omd each leg
- 8 Slurpees 4CIC
- 8 Monkey Humpers omd (did not achieve)
- 8 Hinge Box Squat omd (did not achieve)
Station #3 (Shoulders/Chest)
- 8 Perkins (partner holds legs for derkin) omd
- 8 Wide Merkins
- 8 Shoulder Tap 4CIC
- 8 Spidey Merkins omd
- 8 Carolina Dry Docks omd
- 8 Dry Ball Merkins omd
- 8 V Dry Docks on Toes omd (did not achieve)
- 8 Dry Ball Merkins omd (did not achieve)
Mosey back to NBGCC in the failed Snake Charmer.
- 16 LBCs called, but I think I did Freddie Mercurys – can’t remember – a bit gassed
- 16 Heel Touches 4CIC, gave up. done.
Welcome to FNG Bangkok (you know how to say it…).
- Sputnik looking for fellow victims for Mudder’s Day (sorry – it was a softball) Run in Fayetteville. 5/13/18. See Sputnik for organization.
- Need to organize F3NB for funds donation to Cottle Park – Mr. Roboto is looking into it.
Prayers for BitCoin’s 2.0’s knee surgery.
YHC closed in prayer.
Thank you for allowing YHC to Q. I really enjoyed it. Hate that the Pax did not get to enjoy the final two cycles of The Octonary. Will speed it up next time to get all 8 cycles in. Did not see as much leakage as I had hoped, so maybe the 8 will do it. Or just drop the easy stuff…