Fourteen of us gathered for the Fartlek this morning, while 4 additional Pax- Acolyte, Bitcoin, Mr. Roboto and Plan B- stayed at the NBGCC for some heavy sandbag work.
After a quick Indian Run over to the Garber Parking lot, we began
Warm a Rama:
Sun Gods x 10 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
Michael Phelps x 10 IC
Quad Stretches OYO
Downward/Upward Dog and calf stretches
The Thang:
We moved on to a circuit called “The Cooper.”
10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkens, followed by a lap around the Garber parking lot, then
9 Burpess, 9 Squats, 9 Merkens, then a lap,
and so on and so forth until down to 1 Burpee, 1 Squat and 1 Merken,
then back up again until it was 6:05. Then we did some
Freddy Mercury x 20 IC
Low Slow Flutter x 15 IC
LBC’s x 20
Boxcutters x 15 IC
American Hammer x 15 IC
We then did a quick Indian Run back to the NBGCC, gathered with the sandbaggers for Name a Rama, and we were done. All told, we ran between 3-3.5 miles in addition to all of the other exercises. Thanks for coming out!
“gathered with the sandbaggers” …. Ouch!