21 pax gathered on this chilly april morning. It had been quite a while since I have led on Q, but was eager to jump right in. After some lethargic mumble chatter, we dove in….
- SSH x 20
- Cotton Pickers x 20
- Sun Gods x10/Reverse x10
- Merkins x15
- downward dog, calf stretches
Mosey To Courts:
While partner A does the exercises, partner B runs suicides. Both partners had to hit the number.
- 4×4 – x12 – burpee, 4 merkin, 4 moutain climbers
- American Hammer x36
- Burpee x12
- Carolina Dry Docks x 36
- Crab Cakes x 36
- Freddy Mercuries x 48
- Imperial Walkers x 36
- Shoulder taps x 36
- LBCs x 48
- Whimpy’s x 12
- Merkins x 36
- Copperhead Squats x48
Touch toe stretches/plank/12 merkins
Box Cutters (flank lead)
Thank you all for the opportunity to lead this morning. I had intentions of doing some air chairs and balls to the wall after the Thang, but we ran out of time. Next time….. I neglected to ask if there were any announcements, please let us know if there are in announcements/prayer requests in the PAX. Flanksteak running Q at the Point on Friday A.M.
Bubble Guts
Good workout. Well done, Bubble Guts.