Between the Trolls movie and a Super Bowl halftime show, it seems like I can’t get away from the catchy (or annoying) song, SSIMP, so YHC looked up some dance exercises (what has my life become?) to mix things up. 16 strong showed looking to move.
- Heisman with a clap IC X 15
- Helicopters IC X 15
- Michael Phelps IC X 15
- Hip thrusters Imaginary kettle bell swings IC X 15 – move may not be appropriate at daddy daughter dances
- Side Straddle Hops IC X 15
Mosey to tennis court for…….
Partner A Partner B
- Shoulder Taps Suicides X 3
- Carolina Dry Docks (slow) Slow, very low defensive slides (across, back)
- Hip Thrusters Bear Crawl (across, back)
- LBC’s Crab Walk (across, back)
Rinse repeat, only this time with 2 Suicides and shorter slides/crawls.
Break Dancer – this did not show up on the dance exercises Google search, rather a collaboration with Unicorn – start in plank, move feet clockwise to front, pause (do one dip here), then swing feet around back to plank (do one Merkin here). Increase to 6 dips/Merkins, switching at 3 to go counter clockwise
Mary – completed at the tennis court since YHC lost all track of time….exercises done for 20 seconds with 10 second break between sets. 3 sets each of:
- Plank Jacks
- Russian Twists (Slow)
- Burpees
- Squat Jacks
- Jack Knife Crunches
- Back Bow Crossovers
- Mountain Climbers for 1 minute
Mosey back to parking lot for
Count off, Name – O – Rama
Announcements: Bridge Run
YHC closed in prayer. Always an honor to lead, thanks for pushing yourselves and me. My apologies for running over by a couple of minutes.