A little post- Super Bowl Fartlek to get everyone’s week started.
Warm O Rama:
2 sets of parking lot sprints
Stretch OYO
The Thang:
Run from Parking Lot to clubhouse
Backward Lunge down the cart ramp
Run to Pool Stairs – squat jumps up the stairs
Run back to Parking lot – ski hops over curbs
Run to hill behind the club – backwards run up the hill 2x
Jog along #18 & #17 to Country Club Rd, hang a left to NBGCC entrace
Sprint the entrance to NBGCC(75%, 85%, and 100%) to first speed bump
Rinse & Repat 3x
Global Warming with Bobby Hurley’s, Mountain Climbers, Iron Mike’s, and Freddie Mercury’s
Need someone on Q for Bushwood this week!
Sweep the Leg & Honey Wagon are planning an F3 fundraiser for Cottle Park – more details to come…
Closed out in prayer.
Thanks for coming out, Gents!