17 showed up on a 28 degree morning that felt warm compared to recent weather. Second workout in a row with an FNG (yes!) so YHC dusted off the mission statement and disclaimer. Thanks to Kevorkian we saw the space station before jumping into a warm up of:
- SSH IC x 25
- Sun Gods IC x 10 forward
- Sun Gods IC x 10 backwards
- High Knees IC x 25
- Cotton Pickers IC x10
- Down Dog Stretch
We then went on a mosey out of the club, right on country club road, left on country club drive, left on Greenwood, right on country club road and then right onto #11 fairway. This is approximately a mile. We stopped each tenth of a mile for burpees. Starting with 1 at first stop, 2 at next stop, 3 at next stop and so on. End result was one mile and 55 burpees.
On #11 fairway we found 2 lit cones approximately 40 yards apart. We partnered up with Partner A performing an exercise and partner B headed to far cone and back and then flap jack. The following were performed twice:
- Partner A – Plank Jacks, Partner B – Bear Crawl and run backwards
- Partner A – Overhead Clap Squat, Partner B – Crab Walk and run backwards
- Partner A – Merkins, Partner B – Lt. Dan and run backwards
- Partner A – Plank, Partner B – Broad Jump (have you seen Unicorn do this??) and run backwards
We then moseyed under the club for Wall Taps IC x 15 and BTW 5 count per man. Completing the Blue Hawaiian Lap we returned to parking lot for Mary:
- WWI x20
- LSF IC x 15
- LBC x 50
- Box Cutter IC x 20
Welcome Plan B (Jeff Spray) and great to see Bitcoin back again. Keep coming, fellas! It was also good to see a good size PAX today. This cold weather seems to have been recently holding some back. Keep it up and come to the Point. Acolyte on Q. Ingrown on Q for the Bear and Cuddy on the Fartlek. It’s wide open after that so sign up to Q!
Make up Pursuit of Hoppyness today at 6:00 at the Bruin. Come out before the snow!
YHC took us out in prayer!
As always, an honor.