Backblast- (Un)Fun Bridge Run

A strong Point turnout of 14 PAX, including guest Paddington (F3 Austin, Tx), son of the great Kevorkian, arrived full of mumble chatter and ready for some pre-Christmas action.  YHC felt especially compelled to represent right before Christmas as ‘Bomble’ was conceived earlier this year from the sharp minds of F3 New Bern as an amalgam of the Yeti character from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  That’s right.  Bomble.

Sporting a knee brace, blaze orange WalMart hunting safety vest , headlight, and no FNG’s, YHC took us into:


SSH x20, IC;     Cotton Pickers x20, IC;     Imperial Walkers x20, IC;     Jump Ropes x20, IC;     Downward Dog to Upward Dog x2, 10 Count;     Michael Phelps x20, OYO


Mosey under the bridge to the front of the NBCC staging area for the (Un)Fun Bridge Run.  There are 20 light poles along the bridge.  So we split into two groups and set off on a staggered start.

Stopping at every third light pole, the PAX started with 1 Plank Jack Merkin, building up to 13 by the last stop.  Dulled by the pain of the run, most of the PAX ended up doing approximately 91 or so, give or take, likely modified, half-assed Merkin Plank Jacks.  YHC had planned on a leisurely stroll over the water but the pace was quick.  Having ‘Run’ in the title apparently fleshed out all the Fartlekers.  The Q was originally concerned about putting the PAX in harms way but the layout on the bridge seemed pretty safe.  Fortunately no boats were coming through.

Back at the front of the NBCC,

BTW, 10 count down the line;    Dips x20 OYO; Incline Merkin x20 OYO

Mosey to the field, cutting loose the Fartlekers and a not-to-be-outdone  galloping Unicorn.  Once there:

Lunges to the 75 yard cone,  Sprint Back

Bear crawl to the cone, Sprint Back

Side Shuffles to the cone and Back

Return to the ‘French Gazayboh’ for:


Travoltas x15 each side;     Dr. W’s (20 called, approx 12 executed with lots of bitchin);     Reverse Cruches x20;     Kevorkians (WW2’s) x50 or so.

Name o Rama and COT.

Welcome, Paddington.  YHC took us out, thanking Our Lord for keeping us safe this morning,  fellowship with each other, our blessings and most importantly for the gift of his son, Jesus Christ.  We asked for his blessings for each other, our families and our nation.


The Bear starts at 8:00 am tomorrow, Morning on Q.

Many thanks to Harris Teeter and his M, and Morning for arranging the F3 New Bern get together tonight at NBGCC.  Bring a new coat for collection.  YHC will be out of town.

Thanks guys, a good turnout is always the best motivation and YHC wishes you and your families a very Bomble Christmas!

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