Bushwood Back Blast

16 Pax showed up on a warm morning.  The rain held off and we had an FNG (and an Ingrown sighting)!  After dusting off the mission statement and disclaimer we jumped into:

  • Sun Gods IC x10 (forwards and backwards)
  • SSH IC x30
  • Good Mornings IC x10
  • Cotton Pickers IC x10
  • Imperial Walker IC x10

Snake Run to Garber parking lot (the long way – Country Club Rd, left on Country Club Dr, left on Greenwood).  At first corner of parking lot we did Merkins IC 4ct X20, Crab walk to next corner for Squats IC 4ct x20, sprint to next corner for American Hammer IC 4ct x20, Bearcrawl to next corner for Plank Jacks IC 4ct X20 and sprint back to beginning.   We caught our breath and then moseyed back up Country Club Rd to number 11 where we found 2 glowing cones placed about 75 yards apart and we partnered up for BOMBS.    One partner performed an exercise and the other ran to far cone and back and flap jack until total reps was reached.

B – Burpees x50

O – Overhead Clap x 100

M – Merkins x 150

B  – Big Boy sit ups x 200

S – Squats x 250

Unfortunately YHC had to call a time audible as the PAX was finishing Big Boy sit ups and starting squats.

So, we picked up the cones and moseyed back to the parking lot (some sort of race broke out between Unicorn, Oz, Lil Wayne and others – YHC was too far behind to figure out who won).

Circled up for

  • WW1 sit ups x20
  • 007 led by Ingrown
  • Boxcutters x20

Bombed out and depleted the clock hit 06:15 – Hard Stop!

Welcome to Freaknik.  Hope to see you in the gloom again soon!

Bomble on the Point Friday 12/22.  Morning on the Bear 12/23 – NOTE DUE TO PARTY ON FRIDAY NIGHT HARD START MOVED TO 08:00 AT NB HIGH, and NO FARTLEK on Christmas Day.

NB Pax Christmas Party is Friday night 12/22 6:00pm until at NBGCC.  Harris Teeter has sent a few pre-blasts.  Please bring a new coat for a child (toddler to high school age).   Hope to see everyone there!

And finally my shameless plug – Beer and wine tasting at the Village Butcher tonight (12/20) from 5-7pm.  If you can make it for even 10 minutes the M would be most appreciative and it would mean a lot!

An honor to lead today.  Aye!

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