Seven of us rolled out of bed early this AM for the appropriately named “Sevens” workout. The weather was clear and cool. We got down to business quickly, first completing a:
- Burpee Mile– 1 mile run with 10 Burpees OYO after each 1/4 mile to Garber parking lot. We then did a very quick:
- Warm-a-Rama– Cotton Pickers x 10 IC and Downward/Upward dog. Q praised Honey Wagon’s excellent form on the Up Dog. We then moved to:
- The Thang– Seven laps around Garber parking lot, first half lap easy and second half medium fast. At the end of each lap, seven reps of seven exercises: Incline Merkens, Squat Jumps, WWI’s, Dips, SSH, Box Cutters and Decline Merkens. Running out of time, we moved on to:
- Quick Indian Run back to NBGCC parking lot.
- No Mary, just finished with 10 Burpees OYO.
Good Work!