The Bear…..F3 Tourism Part 3…..

6 men gathered at NBHS in  frigid conditions for The Bear. We had a one FNG, Jordan (senior at West Craven High school) who looked up F3 online and wanted to get ready for his  hopeful acceptance to the United States Naval Academy.  Jordan was rocking a West Craven rassling hoodie so unicorn’s mind went into overdrive for potential F3 names. The workout below was borrowed from F3 Myrtle Beach after YHC had another F3 tourism excursion last weekend because of travel lax.   After a pretty flawless mission statement  we jumped into….


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 25 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • Hillbillies x 20 IC
  • Plank – dancing bears 20 sec holds x2
  • Dancing bears x 20 IC


The Thang /Dora 123 (partner up)

Combined 100 merkins, 200 WWIs, 300 squats Partner A starts exercise and Partner B runs across practice field then runs backwards toward partner A.  I think the Pax was warmed up by now…,  Then run to mid practice field 5 burpees then run backwards back, rinse repeat 5 more burpees and Lt Dan back.

Next thang –

We did a short  mosey to the covered area for final portion.  Each Pax member grabbed a block for 10 incline, 20 incline scorpion merkins (10 each leg); 20 step ups (10 each leg); 20 dips.

Next find a wall for peoples chair + 75 air presses them 10 merkins. Repeat this with 50 air presses, 10 merkins; repeat with 25 air presses, 10 merkins, finally 10 overhead claps in peoples chair plus 10 merkins.

Finally 30 Flutter kicks IC; 10 block squats(lifting heels at the bottom); 10 flop squats (in plank with feet flat on side of block and knees down to floor) those were fun.

The Mary: Pax choice

  • Dying cockroaches x 15 (honeywagon)
  • Superman banana by acolyte
  • monkey humpers x 20 (420)
  • freddie mercuries x 20 (unicorn)
  • smurf jacks x 10 (Tully)
  • James Bond isometric core hold ( 007) Ingrown
  • 5 burpees OYO (crowd favorite)

Announcements: FNG was named after Tully Blanchard, one of the lesser known Four Horsemen  (NWA wrestling crew from the 1980’s).  YHC gained inspiration for this name by watching the Ric Flair 30 for 30 last night and Unicorn approved.  If you have not watched that 30 for 30 yet, you need to….

Ingrown signing off

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