Face your fears

13 men gathered for a Fartlek.  Everyone, including the Q, was confused.  There was a glitch in the system that apparently had Sputnik leading the Fartlek and Oz leading Bushwood?  Most of the PAX showed up with gloves and then seemed (pleasantly?) surprised when they were informed that gloves were not required.  With no FNG’s and 45 minutes of quad stretches ahead of us, we jumped right in.


Side Straddle Hops IC x20
Slow Windmills (Abe Vigodas) IC x10
Quad Stretches
Downward Dog
Mosey to Garber parking lot


The Q reached back to his glory days of high school and presented the Beep Test.  Cones were spaced 20 meters apart.  PAX ran back and forth between the cones based on a series of beeps played from a speaker.  The goal was to reach the cones before the next beep sounded.  If you missed two consecutive beeps then you were out.  The beeps started at 8kph pace (~12 min miles) and increased by around 0.5 kph every minute.

When you were out, you did slow laps around Garber parking lot with 10 Merkins/10 LBCs/10 Squats in between.

We did the beep test twice and I “think” Cornfed and II Fingers led the way on the first test and Cornfed and Lil Wayne on the second.  Both times it was around the ~10 minute mark of the test.  If I got that wrong I apologize.

The Q took mercy at that point (mainly on himself) and called it quits with a slow mosey back to Bushwood parking lot for Mary.

MARY – dealer’s choice

Freddie Mercury’s IC x20 (Sputnik)
Duke Debutante x20 each leg (Honey Wagon)
Box Cutters IC x15 (Lil Wayne)
Windshield Wipers IC x10 (Sputnik)
Low Slow Flutters IC x20 (Oz)


Oz on Bushwood and Bomble on Point.  Need a Q for Bear
Closed in prayer

One comment

  1. Please ask all to come out to vote tomorrow. Location is Garber United Methodist Church. I’m on the ballot for Commissioner again this year.

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