The Bear /NCAA vs UNC……

7 men gathered at NBHS in  great conditions for The Bear. We had a couple of drive byes from   folks whom we thought were FNGs but they were confused and sped away. I announced to the Pax that Friday was a huge day for UNC as the NCAA had ended their 7 year era of constant atrocities.  No major sanctions were found and the constant cloud of potential sanctions had finally lifted.  Too bad but someone has to pay for the wasted time and money the NCAA put the University of the people through.  Today’s Pax would pay for the sins of the NCAA.  No FNGs so we jumped into….


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 7, 4 ct
  • Cotton Pickers x7
  • Winthorpe Achilles Stretch OYO
  • Hign knees x7, 4ct

Pre Thang (left side parking lot)

  • Seven years is a long time so we started with 7 burpees, then 6 burpees, then 5, then 4, then 3, then 2, then…….you guessed it…..7 more burpees.  No that the Pax was nice and warm we moseyed over to the track for….

The Thang /  The Merkin mile…well sort of.

The Merkin mile is one lap around the 1/4 mile track followed by 25 merkins, repeat 4 times and you get  one mile in and 100 merkins.  YHC modified this a bit by bumping up the laps to 7 total with 15 merkins in between.  So we got about 1.5  miles in and 105 merkins in.  During laps 3, 5 and 7,  the pax cut the lap a little short and headed to the near goal post for 7 pull-ups or 7 hanging leg raises.  That goal post is a little unstable so we had to wait turns for overall group safety

Post thang –

We did a short  mosey to the covered area for a modified lazy dora.  7 years is a long time and counted in weeks equals 364, which looked like a good total number for a workout routine.  The Pax partnered up for 200 plank jacks, 100 mountain climbers, and 64 WWIs.  Each group did these OYO and divided the reps up as they saw fit.  partner A would do said exercise while Partner B did people chair with overhead air presses.  Unicorn came up with an alternating version of the air presses in goofball like fashion that seemed to be a popular modification.  At this point time was almost up so we did a jailbreak to the front near where the shovel flag usually is planted for ……

The Mary:

  • Boat – Canoe x 7
  • Starman x 7
  • James Bond isometric core hold (0035 or 007)
  • Modified pickle pushers led by Cook out which was basically humping the lawn, this was cut short as this  was a possible violation of someones recent court order.

Announcements: None really.  II – fingers has the fartlek  Sputnik has bushwood, Cornfed, has the point,  keep signing up fellas!  Good work today!  The NCAA cloud over UNC has lifted…..finally!

Ingrown signing off

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