14 men gathered on a clear beautiful morning, knowing that they’d be doing more than just a little light stretching. With no FNGs we jumped into
- Abe Vigodas – X 15 IC
- Michael Phelps X 15 IC
- Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
- SSH X 10 IC
- 5 Burpees OYO
Short mosey to Garber parking lot (four corners of fun)
- Corner 1: 30 Namaste Sumo Squats X 30 OYO (praying hands under chin, elbows to knees). Backwards run to
- Corner 2: Double count Diamond Merkins X 10 IC, backwards run to
- Corner 3: 30 Namaste Sumo Squats X 30 OYO, sprint to
- Corner 4: Double count Diamond Merkins X 10 IC, sprint back to corner 1
Rinse, Repeat, except exchanged Sumo squats for 25 jump squats on round 2. Once back at corner 1 for 3rd time, another round of Namaste Sumo Squats X 30, just for good measure. Arms = Jello from the Double Count Diamond Merkins. From here we moseyed/Indian ran to hill behind club house for a few more activities.
Partner up – Wheelbarrow up the hill and back, switch, repeat. (light grumblings when this was announced, but everyone dominated the hill) Then backwards run up the hill, mosey back down X 5. Mosey around clubhouse back to parking lot for
- Oblique Crunches X 30 per side IC
- Heel Raises to 45 degrees X 40 IC
- American Hammers X 20 IC
- 5 Burpees OYO
- Light hamstring/leg stretches
Great work this glorious morning by the PAX.
Announcements: Acolyte on Q for The Point
Conrad Murray shared a pretty moving story from last weekend after hanging out with some Raleigh F3 PAX. A retired Army Ranger he met there had difficulties adapting to civilian life, and ended up searching for answers in various places including the bottom of a bottle. This gent went on to tell CM that he’s in a much better place now because of the love and support from his F3 group. You never know who or how much you will impact someone’s life. (Conrad Murray said all this and more way better than I’ve expressed here)
YHC shared the verse of the day, which just so happens to be Hebrews 13:16. Look it up!
YHC closed in prayer.
Thank you all for the opportunity to lead.