The Point Backblast

12 men gathered in the slightly humid gloom at the Union Point Gazebo to start their Friday. With no FNG’s we started right in with….

Sun Gods x 15 IC 4CT (front and back)
Michael Phelps 10 OYO
Windmills x 15 IC 4CT
SSH x 25 IC, 4 CT
Downward Dog OYO
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

We then did an Indian run to a small park on the waterfront past the traffic circle.  For some partner exercises.

80 Merkins (Partner A did exercise while Partner B Al Gored, alternated after 20 reps)
80 Squats (Partner A did exercise while Partner B did held plank, alternated after 20 reps)
80 Dips – (Partner A did exercise while Partner B Al Gored, alternated after 20 reps)

We then moseyed to the grassy lot at the traffic circle for some suicide runs with exercises at each stop. We started with….
10 Squats followed by 5 Burpees
10 WWIs followed by 5 Burpees
10 Merkins followed by 5 Burpies

We then rinsed and repeated with 15 reps at each stop.  QIC called an audible and replaced the first run with a wheelbarrow following a request by a member of the Pax.  (I believe it had something to do with Cornfed’s attire.)

We then did a snake run to the front of the convention center for a raccoon walk followed by BTW.  Being spent and short on time, we moseyed back to the gazebo for…

LBC x 25 IC
Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC 4CT
John Travolta’s x 10 IC 4CT (Each Side)
Box Cutters X 20 IC 4CT  (Expertly called by Flank Steak)

Harris-Teeter is QIC for the The Bear, YHC invited all to join the Color-Run and Carolina Colours next Saturday, and Sputnick asked the pax to keep his co-worker in Puerto Rico in their prayers.

We closed with name-o-rama and prayer.


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