15 men gathered in the ever growing darkness for a total eclipse/old guys rule (7 x 9 = 63) workout. After a statement of purpose and disclaimer, we got right into
Cotton pickers, IC x 9; Sun Gods, IC x 9; Imperial Walkers, IC x 9; SSH, IC x 9; Calf stretches; Oz stretches;Merkins, IC x 9
We next moseyed to Garber for
The Thang
This was 7 reps of an exercise, followed by a lap of the parking lot, going from 25% pace to 50 % pace to 75% pace to sprint. Plank for QIC (I mean the six). Then another exercise with a reverse run (100%-75%-50%-25%). Rinse and repeat for a total of 9 exercises and laps.
Exercises: Plank jacks IC, dips IC, burpees OYO, tempo merkins IC, WWIs OYO, lunges in place OYO, Floyd Mayweathers IC, alternating shoulder taps IC, squats IC.
We followed up with a mosey (the long way) back to NBGCC for
American hammers x 9, Homer-Marge x 9, Low slow flutters x 9, Dolly x 9, Rosalita Wips x 9, box cutters x 9, and scissors x 9. At this point YHC had had it.
Honey Wagon has to be away for Bushwood, and Winthorpe volunteered to fill in. August 31 is the last day for Give2Give. YHC closed in prayer.
Thanks gents, an honor to be a part of the group and to Q.
I rather prefer the Dan Band version from Old School (NSFW – Language) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfUU1wJKXDc
Good work this morning Doc.