Prediction? …. Pain!

17 men gathered on a morning that was supposed to be a little cooler than recent days.  It certainly didn’t feel like it though.  No FNG’s so we got started with a short


  • Sun Gods X 10 Forward and Backerds
  • Windmills X 10
  • Cotton Pickers X 10
  • Calf Stretch OYO

Short mosey over to the tennis courts for


10 stations located around the perimeter of the courts.  45 seconds at each station with 15 seconds to get to the next station.  The stations were ..

  1. Burpees
  2. Shoulder taps
  3. Jump squats
  4. Merkin
  5. Skaters
  6. Carolina Dry Docks
  7. Lunges
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Butt Kickers
  10. WWII’s

Lot’s of mumble chatter the first go around, so we did a rinse and repeat just for good measure.

Mosey over to the first fairway for


The PAX lined up moving towards Bushwoods clubhouse and started to bear crawl.  The last guy in line did 5 Merkins and then ran to the front tapping the last guy as he ran by to signal that it was his turn to do Merkins.

Mosey to the covered area behind the club for


Start in a plank position with your feet at a wall.  On my count you climb the wall to 10 degrees and do 5 Merkins in cadence, straight into climbing the feet to 45 degrees and 5 more merkins in cadence then straight up to balls to the wall and hold for a 10 count.

Short mosey back to the parking lot for


  • Captain Thors X 10
  • James Bond Holds
  • Patty Cakes


  • O Face on Q for The Point
  • Ingrown on The Bear

Took the PAX out in a prayer.

Thanks for the workout today fella’s.  Living in a house with all women, it’s nice to have people hear you and actually do what you ask without complaining once in a while.

~ Winthorpe

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