B’s on the Court

19 men gathered in a little cooler weather this am that lulled YHC into thinking that the workout planned might be on the easy side.  My judgment was impaired.  Here’s how it went down:

Warm-o-rama:  Windmills IC x 10, Frankensteins IC x 10, Sun Gods IC x 20, Mt Climbers IC x 20 and Plank Jacks IC x 20.  We then moseyed to the tennis courts for the Thang:

Round 1.  Line up against fence and Burpee Dan across both courts 1 Burpee Plus 4 Lunges Repeat and then 2 Burpees Plus 4 Lunges Repeat back followed by a 4 leg suicide and a plank for the 6.

Round 2.  Line up against fence and Bearpee across both courts 1 Burpee Plus 4 ct Bear Crawl repeat and then 2 Burpees Plus 4 ct Bear Crawl back followed by a Line Tracer Shuffle around each side of both courts and a plank for the 6.

Round 3.  Line up against fence and Broad Jump across both courts 1 Burpee Plus 4 Standing Broad Jumps repeat and then 2 Burpees Plus 4 Standing Broad Jumps repeat back followed by a 4 leg suicide and a plank for the 6.

Round 4.  Escalator:  Sprint to first corner and perform Surfer Merkins x 10 and Groiners x 10.  Sprint to 2nd corner and perform Jump Squats x 20 and Merkins x 20, Sprint to 3rd corner and perform Scorpion Dry Docks x 30 and Star Jumps x 30.  Sprint back to starting point.

Bonus Round due to extra time:  Follow the leader Line Tracer Shuffle of each court followed by 4 Leg Suicide.  Pax was done.

Pax walked to road and then moseyed back to employee parking lot for Mary:

Dancing Chilcutts IC x 10, Freddie Mercury IC x 20, Dying Cockroach x 30, LBC’s x 40 and a Bubble Guts led Butt Kick x 10

We closed in COT.  Prayers for the Wooten family of Kinston requested.  As always it was a pleasure gentlemen.



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