A strong PAX of 26 motivated Men, far too many for any gazebo to contain, settled right in to a better location for a good ol’ beat down.  No doubt a result of preparation, courage and humility on the part of Mr. Roboto, @F3FlankSteak, 420, Cochran, and others- along with assurance from NB Parks and Rec that we were actually allowed to be present- the PAX proceeded to do what we came to do without unprovoked interruption.

YHC started the morning by thanking the PAX for the motivation and brotherhood provided to him by the group and how proud he is of the way we have conducted ourselves recently.    After reviewing the Mission Statement and F3 Core principles, we jumped in to:

Warm o Rama                                                                                                                                                      Windmills x 20 IC,                                                                                                                                                 Cotton Pickers x 20 IC,                                                                                                                                         Downward Dog to Upward Dog x 2,                                                                                                            Imperial Walkers x 20 IC,                                                                                                                                     Jump Ropes x 20 IC

THANG                                                                                                                                                                                 Coupon Run: Nervous faces as some of the PAX asked ‘why did you bring those orange stretchers’ (Maxtrax) in the back of Q’s old Toyota.                                                                                      Each Man grabbed two paver bricks and partnered up. One partner moseyed around the circle (perceived benefit of the ‘new location’, this circle is bigger, a little more than .2 miles) carrying two coupons while the other partner did American Hammers OYO using his coupons.  Switch.       Round two involved one partner doing Coupon LBC’s OYO while partner two ran backwards carrying two coupons. Switch. Return Coupons.  Forgot to have PAX do coupon curls and shoulder presses.

Four Corners:                                                                                                                                                    Starting at a corner, Bear Crawl to the next corner.  Once there, Wheel of Merkin using the curb 12 x 4 = 60.  Al Gore for the Six.                                                                                                                            Duck walk to the next corner.  Once there, Balboas (Curb Ups) x 50 OYO.  Plank for the Six.      Crab Crawl to the next corner, Once there, Imperial Squat Walkers for the six.                   Backwards Bear Crawl (Crawl Bear) halfway to next corner (which felt a mile away) then mosey rest of the way.  Following a 20 count, and some hapless pleas for Mary, we went in to:

Climate Change:  Fitted, customized, and even personalized sleeveless jersey-shirts are apparently making a comeback as Winthorpe and @F3FlankSteak were vying for tightest top from the ’90s. Not to be outdone, Cochran was sporting blaze orange socks which he deemed were necessary by the DMV, Coast Guard or New Bern Hunt Club  for visibility or something.  Along the same lines, one of the PAX accused Lil’ Wayne of stretching on his son’s T-shirt and flashing too much lower back skin.

With all this mumble chatter, I figured it was time for Climate Change:    PAX holds Al Gore (‘Let me see you hug those trees’) while 26 Men did 5 Plank Jacks down the line.  Followed by 4 Merkins down the line.

Mumble chatter continuing, we decided to Partner up and do 15 leg lifts/push downs before moving in to Mary:


Ingrown requested SSH x 20 as a sign of unity to kick off Mary.                                                                  Dr. W’s (no relation) x 10 IC, 8 count , was the plan.  Then 5 more IC.  Apologies to the PAX for a poorly executed/non-existent demo.  Here is the verbage from the Exicon:

    Dr. W is a sufferable 8-count exercise that combines Dolly, Rosalita, and the W; often called within     the 6MOM.  Always a #CrowdPleaser.  1 is legs spread apart like a Low Dolly, 2 is legs together, 3 is     raise the legs to Rosalita position (45-60 deg-ish), 4 is spread ’em, 5 is the W (hands together and       stretching forward between your legs), 6 is the return to your back (legs still up), 7 is legs together,     8 is legs down…..

Upward Dog x 2 to stretch abs.                                                                                                                                     Freddie Mercuries 4 count IC x 25.

Count off.  YHC ended in prayer, thanking our Lord for creating us in his image as men, for the privilege and opportunity to participate in F3, that we honor Him through improvement of ourselves in service to Him, our families and our communities.  YHC then asked for His blessings for us and our Nation this Independence Day Weekend.


New Bern F3 PAX looked as strong as ever this morning and the new meeting point was just right.  Everyone was supportive of my first Q and I’m grateful for that.  We pushed hard and had fun.   Looking forward to doing it again.

McRib on Q at The Bear tomorrow.

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