15 men rose to meet the morning’s rising sun, and scurry along New Bern’s windy battery in a test of will and memory. The Point was an attempt honor the fallen heroes of our Country and begin Memorial Day weekend with some hard-earned fellowship. Thanks to 420 for some more historical accuracy than Wikipedia provided! (sorry for late post, gone all weekend with no wifi access)
Revolutionary Warm-arama:
Down Dog (17 count)
Windmills (25x)
Parker Peters (25x)
Side Straddle Hop (25x)
Barbary War:
Pull-ups (18x)
Mosey to the battery (1x)
War of 1812:
Bench dips (18x)
Merkins (12x)
Mexican-American War:
Bench dips(18x)
Squats (48x)
Civil War:
Bur-pees (18x)
Plank-Jacks (61x)
Mosey to River Station
Spanish-American War
Bear Craw (18x)
LBCs (98x)
Diamond Merkins (19x)
Mountain Climbers (17x)
WWI (my mistake) (19x)
Mountain Climbers (41x)
Korean War:
Freddie Mercury’s (19x)
Something (50x)
Vietnam War:
Long slog of Lungs towards home (19 + 60 = 79x)
Bay of Pigs:
Mosey to Neuse River (1961)
Derkins (19x)
Ran out of time (83x)
Mosey to Gazebo
Gulf War (1990)/Afghanistan 2001)/Iraq(2003)
Leg lifts spelling Iraq/Afghanistan/Iraq