Strong showing considering the aftermath of hurricane Florence. Glad to hear that most survived unscathed but keep those less fortunate in your thoughts & prayers.
Warm a Rama:
Downward Dog
4 corners:
Run backwards to first corner 10Ranger Merkins
Sprint to 2nd corner 10 standard merkins
Run backwards to 3rd corner 10 wide merkins
Sprint to 4th corner 10 Burpees
Run backwards to 1st corner 10 leg lifts
Sprint to 2nd corner 10 Merkins
Run backwards to 3rd corner 10 leg lifts
Sprint to 4th corner 10 burpees
Indian run to Meadows Park and partnered up:
Partner A sprints to end of parking lot and kareoki back while partner B does plank jacks. Alternate until team totals 100 plank jacks.
Partner A sprints to end of parking lot and high knees back while Partner B does squats. Alternate until team reaches 100 squats.
Indian run back to Garber parking lot:
Repeat 4 corners
Backwards run to 1st corner 10 ranger merkins
Sprint to 2nd corner 10 standard merkins
Backwards run to 3rd corner 10 wide merkins
Sprint to 4 corner 10 burpees
Low slow flutter x 20
Gander gave a heartfelt prayer to keep many in our thoughts. QIC tried to skip name a Rama TWICE, dazed and confused I guess.
Closed in prayer.
Good work fellas, enjoyed it!