31 of the Pax showed for humid September conditions via Bushwood. Death by Dice is an exercise routine that i rolled out in June at the Point to much fanfare. Each Pax member would have a direct result on the exercises performed during this routine. The Pax has grown a lot in the last 3-4 months which a great thing but I was not sure every body would get a roll. No FNG’s so we went right into…
Merkins x5, Burpees x 5 , SSH x10, LBCs x 10, Overhead claps x 10, Squats x 10.. Stay in the employee parking lot for…..
The Thang Death by Dice:
We split the group up in half, and each lined up on the opposite ends of the lot facing each other. Each Pax member had the opportunity to roll the dice to determine what exercise the Pax would perform and how many reps. The first roll would determine the exercise and the second roll would determine the reps times 10. below are the roll numbers and exercises:
One = Merkins ; Two= Burpees; Three = LBCs; Four = SSHs; Five = Overhead Claps; Six = Squats.
So if you roll a 2 then a 6 (x10) = 60 Burpees. Of course that is a ridiculous amount of burpees so for the higher reps stuff like burpees and Merkins. We partnered up and split those reps up while Partner A did exercise and partner B did Low slow flutters The outcomes are random so I did not have the time to write all exercises down and reps. The Pax was fortunate that the burpee fest we did at the point last time did not commence. We then had a string of merkins and overhead claps with some LBCs scattered in between. One group of the Pax had an extreme amount of luck rolling only 10 rep exercises in a row! I needed the rest anyways. We then finished with a couple of sets of squats and SSHs (about 110 reps of each and burpees did not seem so bad.) Cuddy then rolled a strong burpees x 20 to finish off the Pax with a bang!Just enough time for All Pax members to get a roll and sweat a ton,
Mary, ; box cutters x 20. heel touches x 10; starmans x 10 with 10 second hold. and you guessed it 5 burpees OYO. Time was up.
Announcements. Flanksteak Q for the Point; but FYI MS bike ride starts that AM so there will be a ton of campers parked at the Point but we will push on. Park at hotel next door or convention center overflow parking lot. And remember, if the Camper is a rockin’, def go a knockin’!
YHC took us out in prayer.
Always a pleasure!