Ring A Round the Golf Course X2

14 strong including an FNG (Farmer in the Dell) saddled up to get their week started off right. We jumped right in with calf stretches followed by a Blue Hawaiian lap.

QIC thought it would be good to hit the course again, but to double up the exercises at each green.  So we were off………..

Hole #1  Burpees x2

Hole #2  Diamond Merkins x4

Hole #3  Ranger Merkin x6

Hole #4  Tempo Merkin x8

Hole #5  Burpees x10

Hole #6  Merkins x12

Hole #7  Low slow flutter x14

Hole #8  Carolina Dry Dock x16

Hole #9  Sumo Squat x18

Hole #10 Alternating Lunges x20

Time was quickly running out so we moseyed over to……….

Hole #17  Plank Jacks x 34

Hole #18  LBC’s x36

Went down below country club for balls to the wall with a 10 count.



5 Burpees OYO

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Nice work this morning guys.  Enjoyed it!!

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