14 strong including an FNG (Farmer in the Dell) saddled up to get their week started off right. We jumped right in with calf stretches followed by a Blue Hawaiian lap.
QIC thought it would be good to hit the course again, but to double up the exercises at each green. So we were off………..
Hole #1 Burpees x2
Hole #2 Diamond Merkins x4
Hole #3 Ranger Merkin x6
Hole #4 Tempo Merkin x8
Hole #5 Burpees x10
Hole #6 Merkins x12
Hole #7 Low slow flutter x14
Hole #8 Carolina Dry Dock x16
Hole #9 Sumo Squat x18
Hole #10 Alternating Lunges x20
Time was quickly running out so we moseyed over to……….
Hole #17 Plank Jacks x 34
Hole #18 LBC’s x36
Went down below country club for balls to the wall with a 10 count.
5 Burpees OYO
No announcements
Nice work this morning guys. Enjoyed it!!