21 men gathered on this warm and humid spring morning to start their week with some running along with a few exercises. With no FNGs we started right away with….
SSH x 15 IC, 4 CT
Cotton Pickers x 10, 4CT
Windmills x 12 IC 4CT
Oz Pigeon Stretches- 6 IC 2 CT
Downward Dog Calf Stretches to Upward Dog
We moseyed to Garber Ministry Center parking lot where we…
Sprinted to end and did 10 Merkins IC; Sprinted back and did 20 Squats IC
Snake run on road around Ministry Center (.5 Miles)
Sprinted to end and did 10 Merkins IC; Sprinted back and did 20 Lunges (10 each leg)
Indian run on road around Ministry Center (.5 Miles)
Sprinted to end and did 10 Merkins IC; Sprinted back and did 20 Squats IC
Scout Run on road around Ministry Center with lead doing Imperial Walkers (.5 Miles)
Sprinted to end and did 10 Merkins IC, Sprinted back and did 20 Lunges (10 each leg)
AYG run on road around Ministry Center (.5 Miles) – Plank Jacks for 6
100 Calf raises (75 for those bringing up the 2nd 6)
Mosey to rear of Ministry Center Dips x 20 IC, Derkins x 15 IC, Dips x 20 IC
Mosey to Club entrance and AYG to the parking lot.
Low Slow Flutter x 14 IC 4Ct
We closed with Name-O-Rama, Announcements (Fundraiser for Cottle Park), and a short Prayer
Good work today we covered over 3 miles. As always it is an honor to lead this group.