18 men gathered on this beautiful morning for their midweek workout. With no FNG’s we jumped right in with…
Sun Gods IC x 10 (Forward and Back)
SSH x 25 IC, 4 CT
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC 4CT
Quad Stretches – 4 IC 2CT
Downward Dog Calf Stretches Followed by Upward Dog (No howling needed as BG’s hound took the lead.)
Baseball Shoulder Stretches
We moseyed to Garber parking lot where did a modified version of Hindenburg BLIMPS.
We sprinted to each corner where we did an exercise. The exercises were as follows:
10 Burpies
20 Lunges (10 each leg)
30 Imperial Walkers
10 Merkins
20 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
We followed this with 25 dips IC and 75 calf raises
Being short on time we moseyed back to the club, bypassing the cones that your overly ambitious Q had set up on the golf course.
Low Slow Flutter x 12 IC 4Ct
Freddy Mercury x 20 IC 4CT
Box Cutter x 12 IC 4CT
Travolta’s x 10 IC 4CT (Right and Left)
We closed with Name-O-Rama, Announcements, and a short Prayer. Need someone to Q the Bear.