The Fartlek – Backblast

10 men gathered on this cool, but warmer than it’s been in weeks, morning to start their week with a run along with a few exercises. With no FNGs we started right away with….

SSH x 25 IC, 4 CT
Windmills x 12 IC 4CT
Cotton Pickers x 13 IC 4CT
Quad Stretches – 6 IC 2CT
Oz Pigeon Stretches- 6 IC 2 CT
Hillbillies x 12, IC 4 CT
Downward Dog Calf Stretches

We moseyed to Garber parking lot where we…
Sprinted length and did 15 Merkins OYO
Sprinted length and did 30 Squats OYO
Sprinted length and did 30 Squats OYO
Sprinted length and did 15 Werkins OYO

We then did an Indian Run to Meadows Park via Holly Ridge Road with a few stops added where we did 15 Squats and 15 Merkins. At the park we…

Lt. Dan’ed to the end, did 10 Merkins and Carioca’d back
Lunged to End, did 10 Merkins and Carioca’da back

We then returned to the club parking lot via snake run with a few stops along the way for Low Slow Flutter x 15 IC 4Ct and Box Cutters X 15 IC 4CT. Being short on time and having already worked our Mary in on the return trip, we finished with 75 calf raises.

We closed with Name-O-Rama, Announcements, and a short Prayer

Good work today especially for our newest additions!  For those preparing for the bridge run we covered about 3 miles. Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

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