17 strong showed in the morning darkness for a trip through the front nine of NBG&CC. Thankfully, a few head lights were accessible so the odds of losing someone weakened. Knowing we were going to be stretched for time, we partnered up and hit the course
The Thang
Holes 1-3: Partner A: Monkey Humpers X 25 while Partner B jogs to green. Partner A catches up while B is finishing their MH.
Holes 4-6: Same idea except we did Merkins X 25
Holes 7-9: Same idea except we did SSH X 25
Mr. Roboto gave us a 20 count and with time to spare, we circled back to #1
Holes 1-3: Same idea except we did LBC’s X 50 then mosey back to parking lot
No Time Left
QIC Closed in a Prayer
Hope everyone has a great week! Enjoyed it this morning.