Just 3 of us at the Bear this past Saturday.
No Warm O Rama – Mosey’d right to the track/football field
The Thang:
“1st and 10’s” –
jog 10 yds (10 merkins, 1 deconstructed burpee), sprint 90 yds.
jog 20 yds (9 merkins, 2 deconstructed burpee), sprint 80 yds.
you see where it goes from here
Cindy Crawford –
20 straight minutes of the following work: 5 pull ups; 10 Merkins; 15 squats; 20 LBC’s; 25 calf raises.
Billy Madison –
Dips x12 IC – run a loop (1st Grade)
Dips x12 IC; Step Ups x12 OYO – run a loop (2nd Grade)
Dips x12 IC; Step Ups x12 OYO; Raccoon crawl, run loop (3rd Grade)
Ran out of time
3 rounds of Global Warming – with Bobby Hurley’s, Plank Jacks, and something else (??)
Closed Out in Prayer