Warmarama – lead by Plan B, Tarzan, and Pitfall – pigeon stretches, downward dog, jump squats, jump toe touches (aka jump Frankensteins), mountain climbers, and merkins, mosey to practice field
Thang – DoubleDippers vs Miller-Cunningham’s for modified kickball game after some field adjustments due to standing water; 5 outs per team, 3 burpees for each out and score. A hot game with lots of big plays by 2.0s Swag, Governor, little Dipper 2, little dipper 3, and many others
Coffetteria/Cooldown– in the NBHS parking lot followed by gathering at Carolina Bagel
Awesome turnout for first family kickball event. Thank you to all who came out!
Thank you, Plan B! We enjoyed it very much!!!