11 men kicked off the Inaugural Tuesdays @ Bushwood. Nantan on the Q, a potential theme of the week.
1 Burpee, SSH IC x 20, 2 Burpees, Abe Vigoda IC x 15, 3 Burpees, Sun Gods IC Forward & Reverse, 4 Burpees, Peter Parkers IC x 10, 5 Burpees. Long Hawaiian Blue lap to the knee wall
- 20 Dips OMD, 20 Step-Ups (10 each leg), knee to chest height. Rinse & Repeat.
2. Mosey Long Blue Hawaiian to the Maintenance Lot Curbs
3. 7s: Heel-Elevated Curb Squats (start with 6), Mosey, Irkins (start with 1), Backwards Run.
4. Mosey under the club: Donkey Kicks OMU x 10, People’s Chair 10-count all around x 2, Merkins OMD x 20, Wobbly People’s Chair (one leg up) x 10-count all around, flap jack legs, Wide Merkins OMD x 20, Donkey Kicks OMU x 10
5. Long Blue Hawaiian to the knee wall
6. 20 Dips OMD, 20 Step-Ups (10 each leg), knee to chest height. Rinse & Repeat.
7. “Spring” to Maintenance Lot
8. 5s: Toe-Elevated Curb Squats (awkward, start with 4), Carioca to mid-lot, Diamond Merkins (start with 1)
9. Long Hawaiian Blue, back to Maintenance lot
6 Inches x 40 seconds, LBCs IC x 25, Heel Touches IC x 15, Box Cutters IC x 25 (WE MISS YOU @F3FLANKSTEAK… COME WORKOUT!)
Counted, named, no announcements and prayed.
WEDS 06/02/2021 is Black Ops at Meadows Park
THURS 06/03/2021 is The Point @ Union Point Park
FRIDAY 06/04/2021 is “Flex/Gumby/AO-Name-Open-To-Suggestions” Plyo/Yoga AO @ Union Point Park