On a muggy, wet morning, 5 men made their way to Union Point to experience the Slow Burn. After a few weeks off, it was nice to be back. YHC was a little rusty at first, but found his stride once the group got moving.
- Cotton Pickers x 10
- Imperial Walkers x 10
- Sun God x 10
- Reverse Sun Gods x 10
- Hamstring Stretch x OYO
- Downward Dog x OYO
After a quick workout, the PAX took off. The theme of the workout centers around TUT training (Time Under Tension) where all exercises are done with a slow tempo down and quick temp up. 3 count down – 1 count up). This worked out well for the Q who was slowly easing back into things. We made our first stop behind the Convention Center for a little pole work.
All done with 3 count down – 1 count up
- Merkins x 8
- Irkins x 8
- Reverse Pull Ups
- Dips
We took off from there and made our way to the parking lot across from BB&T to complete a round of:
All done with 3 count down – 1 count up:
- Overhead Press x 10
- Curls x 10
- Tricep Extensions x 10
The PAX headed down Craven Street to the steps of City Hall where we completed some stair work:
There were 8 steps we had to work our way to the top. All done with 3 count down – 1 count up.
Step 1 – 1 Merkin
Step 2 – 2 Merkins
Step 3 – 3 Merkins – and so on to the top.
At the top of the steps we completed some exercises
American Hammers x 20
Tricep Extensions x 15
We loaded back up and started heading back to the The Point. Along the way we did a short raccoon crawl and a series of Muscle ups with a 3 count hold at the top. Once arriving at the gazebo we finished off with 8 Pull Ups – slow lowering with a 4 count.
Mary (all done very slowly)
- LBC’s x 40
- Heel Touches x 40
- Box Cutters x 20
- Super Man/Banana x 10
No announcements and closed in prayer.
Thanks for welcoming me back. Look forward to getting back into full swing soon. Have a great week everyone!!
~ Acolyte