Ruck It BackBlast – Long Way/Short Time

Sometimes as men, we need to find something that allows us to do something dangerous (see Circle of Death and Death Wish Part 1).  Today’s version of Ruck It continued the theme, as we cheated death by doing something Completely Stupid, but not Utterly Pointless.  With the dulcet tones of Jerry Reed in our heads, a quick shout out to Smokey and the Bandit was given (A Long Way to Go, and a Short Time to Get There).  Pax departed from near the Union Point Park Gazebo and took up a mean, mean stride.

The route taken was out of Union Point Park, over the Trent River Bridge, up the exit ramp to Hwy 70E, along Hwy 70 to the pedestrian bridge near the John Deere place.  Lots of traffic on Hwy 70 that time of day.  Who knew??  Up and over the walkway, stop for 10 lunges with each leg, back up and over the walkway and retrace our route for a return to the Gazebo.  We made it with 4 minutes to spare, so the Pax did a short lap around the block at Union Point Park.  We avoided all oncoming vehicles (including the big street sweeper coming down the ramp — yikes) and YHC is happy to report all Pax returned safe and sound.

What actually was the point of this, you ask?  Rucking pace, my friends.  Pax knocked out 3.05 miles in 45 minutes for a robust pace of 4 miles per hour.

Great work by the Pax!  Honored to be the pace setter and Q for the day.


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