YHC has enjoyed being back with his hometown PAX over the past month and was excited to step back in to Q. But as the weekend progressed and the weather temps for Monday kept dropping, his excitement waxed and waned a bit. It was at that point that YHC knew we would need to get in some good mileage in order to stay warm. In case the movement was not enough, the Q pulled out his toboggan for the first time of the year.
When 5:30 approached and 14 gathered around in a circle, we skipped any official warm up and set off on a mosey to the corner of Camelia and Morgan. YHC announced that our “track” would be the Morgan/Tenella/Camelia loop — an exact 1/2 mile loop.
Loops 1, 3, and 5:
- Run at 80% for first .2 mile; Jog the remaining .3; Circle back for the 6, Circle up for the following exercises
- 25 x Copperhead Squats
- 10 x Burpees
- 25 x Merkins
Loops 2 and 4:
- Run at 80% for first .2 miles; jog the remaining .3; Circle back for the 6; Circle up for the following exercises
- 30 x Lunges
- 40 x Merkins
- 50 x Air Presses
Return to club. No Mary. All PAX got in at least 3.5 miles. Think everyone was warm by the end of Loop 1; good amount of sweat on a 40 degree morning by the end of Loop 2 or 3.
It was a privilege to lead in the land of the bears… but thankful that he bear that Peeping Tom reported was in his yard over the weekend didn’t make a guest appearance!