The Point – Parking Lot Back and Forth

13 made it out the the modified meeting place that was the Point for a post Thunderstorm beatdown. Moving to the back corner for Waramarama, the Q needed to be reminded of some exercise names, but that didn’t keep us from doing them.

  • Sun Gods x10 IC, forwards and backwards
  • Good Mornings x10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Mosey over to convention center knee wall for a round of

  • Incline Merkins x15 SC
  • Bulgarian Split Squats x10 each leg, OYO
  • Decline Merkins x10 SC

Mosey to the field at the corner of Craven and S. Front but decided it was just too overgrown and still full of flood debris, so the Zaytoun Raines parking lot was employed for:

  • 11s – Squats and 4-Count Mountain Climbers

Then over to lot across from Mitchell Hardware for

  • Wall Sit Sprints – Pax perform wall sit while first pax in line runs across the lot, touches the wall, and returns to their spot. This occurs down the line until all pax have completed it. This burned.

Back to the Zaytoun Raines lot for

  • 7s – Merkins and 2-Count American Hammers – first 2 sets were done with bear crawl between, the next set with a crab walk, the remaining done with a mosey.

Pax then moved to lot back behind Mitchell Hardware for

  • Jack Webbs – Merkins and Air Presses – We went to 7 and 14.

Pax then moseyed to the brick walkway with fountain on Pollock, using the benches we performed a round of

  • Incline Merkins x10 SC
  • Bulgarian Split Squats x10 each leg, OYO
  • Decline Merkins x10 SC
  • Dips x20 SC

Out on to Pollock for some Red Light / Green Light. Using the traffic signal, Pax lunge walked toward the intersection on Green, ran to try to get through the intersection on Yellow, and Al Gore on Red. Took the Pax 2 light cycles to get through the intersection.

  • 200 Meter Sprint down Craven from Pollock to S Front.

Mosey back to the convention center knee wall for Dips x20. And then back to the lot for Mary.

  • Low Slow Flutter x10 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys x10 IC
  • LBCs x20 SC

Done. Good hard work by the Pax. The light rain towards then end was welcome refreshment. Sorry for the late backblast, I had to rush right out of town and am only just getting back. Great work on getting back out this weekend and tending to our town yet again.

ども ありがと
Mr. Roboto

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