The Point – Pete and Repeat

Well, really just repeat. 25 hard workers, one of whom was an FNG, came ready to push themselves this morning in the Gloom.

After gathering at the flag poles for a little meet and greet, we moved over to field between the gazeebo and the flag poles for the Welcome and Disclaimer and then


  • Sun Gods x9 IC forward, x10 IC reverse.
  • Good mornings x11 IC (to make up for the one short Sun God)
  • Mountain Climbers x20 IC
  • Carioca down and back from bush line to 1st tree near Gazeebo
  • Butt Kickers back to the tree.


From Warmarama, YHC had intended to take the pax to the gazeebo for a few pullups, however team Hope had gotten there a little earlier than expected so the Q had to call an audible and instead had the pax head straight to the collection of sandbags on the ground nearby. 6 volunteers carried the sandbags to the back of the convention center where we would spend the bulk of our time doing the following.

Complete all reps in order with no rest (or as little rest as possible):

  • Squats x50 OYO
  • LBCs x40 OYO
  • Merkins x30 OYO
  • Iron Mikes x20 OYO
  • Burpees x10 OYO

Once all reps were completed,  step 2 was to run a lap around the convention center; the first 6 pax to complete the reps (or Sugar Rays as YHC has heard them called) had the privilege of carrying a sandbag for their run. Return to the back of the convention center and plank or SSH for the six. Unicorn must have gotten hot or something and thought the solution was to sprinkle some of the sand (or crush and run as it were) down his back. Nothing says relief like some rocks in your shirt. So, down to 5 sandbags.

The pax were able to complete this 3 times before we needed to start heading back to the shovel flag.

Along the way, we stopped for:

  • Alternating Shoulder Taps x10 IC to collect everyone.
  • Shuffle the sand bags to those that hadn’t had the chance to carry one yet.

Back at the shovel flag with some time to spare we did:

  • Merkins x10 SC
  • Sprint to first tree, lunge walk to second tree, backwards mosey back to the bushes
  • Sprint to first tree, duck walk to second tree, backwards mosey back to the bushes

We might have had time for another but I heard some mumblechatter about having to name the FNG, so off we go for Mary:

  • Low Slow Flutters x10 IC

Welcome FNG Black Dog. No announcements. McRib on Q for The Bear tomorrow.
Still need someone for Monday’s Fartlek

Thanks to everyone who led the Pax at the front today, and thanks to those who led from behind  to stay with or pick up the six. Totals today had the potential to be 150 Squats, 120 LBCs, 100 Merkins, 60 two count Iron Mikes, and 30 burpees.  Good effort from everyone this morning. Thanks the opportunity to lead yet again.

ども ありがと,
Mr. Roboto

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