A group of 8 men showed up to the Bear for DBD camp. Originally named as Dead Beat Dad camp after the guilt trip I received from my son for not signing up for Camp Seagull – but Bitcoin brought comfort by renaming it to Dad Beat Down camp. After some brief mumble chatter and introductions to a visitor – Catheter from F3 Greenville – we jumped in.
SSH x 20
Imperial Walkers x 10
Cotton Picker x 10
Wide Cotton Picker x 10
Sun Gods x 20
Dowward Dog/Upward Dog
Glute Stretch
Twisting Prayer Twist
Baseball Stretch
Mosey over to the Football Field for
The Thang:
The stations we set up in rotating fashion
Station 1:
Pull Up/Push Up ladder – series of 11
10 push ups : 1 pull up
9 push ups : 2 pull ups
8 push ups: 3 pull ups …
Station 2:
Tire flip/Box jumps – 2 men per station alternate tire flips across the width of the football field. At each cone stop and complete progressive box jumps – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Station 3:
Bear Crawl/Burpees – 2 men bear crawl to each cone across the width of the football field. At each cone stop and complete progressive burpees – 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
LBC’s for the 6.
After a quick water break we jogged to the Overhang for a series of Merkins
Diamond Merkins – slow 4 count (10 reps)
Irkins – slow 4 count (10 reps)
Dips -slow 4 count (10 reps)
Derkins – 10 count OYO
Progressed to the wall for a series of 10 count/man Wall Sits
Freddy Mercuries – 4 count (25 reps)
Heel touches – 4 count (20 reps)
Box Cutters – 4 count (20 Reps)
Boat Canoe – 10 reps
Superman/Banana – 10 reps
Finished with COT and quick prayer. Prayer request for Bitcoin as he travels to Lynchburg to bring his daughter back to school. Also prayer requests to all PAX at Camp Seagull this weekend represent us well. To those starting school this week – wishes for a healthy and productive year. 4 PAX made it to breakfast at Pete and Nicky’s.
Upcoming Schedule:
Fartlek – Lil Wayne
Bushwood – Bitcoin
Point – “PyrOz” – Pyro and Oz co-Q
Bear – OPEN
Thank you for the opportunity to lead. It was great to be back after a couple weeks off. Have a great week every one!!
~ Acolyte