A lively and giddy pax of 29 gathered on this warm and moist Friday morning. YHC started with a heartfelt thank you for the F3 experience and what it has done for me. Celebrating the loss of 21 lbs since my V outing at The Fartlek on 2/19/18 – I rid myself of sleeves and used 21 as the number for the day. Looking forward to my 50th birthday later this year…
FNG Robert O’Connor, Schrute, joined us this am so the disclaimer as mumbled and then we jumped right into:
- SSH 4CIC x 21
- Sun Gods 4CIC x 21; flapjack
- Baseball Stretches OYO
- Downward Dog OYO
- Roxanne – less mumblechatter this time – working our way up to Thunderstruck!
The Thang
Mosey down to the traffic circle/waterfront rail and picked up some lovely little coupons (hollow 1/2 cinder blocks – always a pax pleaser) from YHC’s truck. Formed a very long line along the walkway for the following:
- Butt Squats on wall SCIC x 21
- Overhead Presses SCIC x21
- Modified Pickle Grinders on the rail SCIC x 21
- Overhead Arm Extensions SCIC x 21
- Modified Pickle Grinders on the rail SCIC x 21
- Toe Taps on the wall – 1 min with a quick audible to 30 s
Rinse & Repeat
Ventured back to 1988-89 to my old aerobics days at NCSU to test some of the pax coordination skills for a simple box step on the wall. I called these Coordination Checks and they proved to challenge a few. 4CIC x 21
Moved over to the adjacent field for the following:
- Lt. Dans OYO for a 10 count
- 21 Block Merkins for partner A; Al Gore for partner B; flapjack
- Lt. Dans OYO for a 10 count
- 21 Leg Throws with a coupon presentation; flapjack
Ran out of time to complete 2nd cycle of this set.
Mosey back to flagpole at Union Point for:
- Box Cutters led by FlankSteak 4CIC x 21
- LBCs SCIC x 21
A pax of 29! Strong showing and biggest gathering I have been a part of – intimidating to Q. Welcomed FNG Robert O’Connor, Schrute. Announcements about F3 Dads Camp at CSG this weekend – plans are in place and we are ready to roll Down County. Look forward to seeing the pax there and sharing time with the F3Nation. If you are not heading Down County, plan to support Purdy Mouth and his family as they play tonight at the new City Stage (formerly City Laundry) at 7:00pm.
YHC closed in prayer.
Again, a sincere and heartfelt thank you to the members of F3!