Completely spaced and forgot to post this. Workout was primarily geared towards fast twitch muscles. Combination of speed and slow movements.
SSH IC x20
Abe Vigodas x10
Cotton Pickers x10
Down/up dog
Pull up Taps AMRAP
Burpees x10 OYO
High Knees/Butt Kicks
Shuttle Runs/Sprints
Dots – Broad Jumps
Clap Merkin – Skip Jumps
Jiminy Cricket – Heisman
Shuttle Runs/Sprints
Good Morning Abby – Dutch Skaters
Non AST – Groiners
Shuttle Runs/Sprints
Burpee Wall Jumps
DaviD Thompson Jumps
Boxcutter IC x20
American Hammer IC x20
Crunchy Frog IC x20