10 birds of the same F3 feather (including an FNG) gathered in the gloom in hopes of no rain and were pleasantly rewarded with a cool muggy morning. Enjoy them while they last I keep hearing.
One FNG arrived ready to see what F3 was all about and escape the emotional headlock of your Qs for the day. Mumbled through the welcome and disclaimer and got into it.
This is an approximate recollection of the events – ran ahead of schedule and freelanced a few changes and bonus exercises.
Warm-o-rama Q = Gander
- 20x SSH 4CIC
- 10x SunGods 4CIC; reverse, repeat
- 10x Hillbillies 4CIC
- Downward Dog
Thang #1 Q = Goose
Mosey over to stadium parking lot to avoid the guy giving us the stank eye around the track. Made our own track through the parking lot with each corner being a workout station. After each workout, mosey to next corner with exception of two long backward runs.
- #1 11x Mountain Climbers 4CIC
- #2 11x Carolina Dry Docks omd
- #3 11x Merican Hammers 4CIC
- #4 11x Shoulder Taps 4CIC
- #5 11x Imperial Walkers 4CIC
- #6 11x Carolina Dry Docks omd
- #7 22x Heel Touches 4CIC
- #8 11x Plank Jacks 4CIC
- Bonus station 11x Mountain Climbers 4CIC
Thang #2 Q = Gander
Mosey over to steps at back of school to try something new.
- Plank position at bottom of steps, plank walked up steps, down steps, up steps
- Found a box of your own to sweat on
- 5x Derkins omd
- 10x Squat Box Jumps omu
- 15x Box Hip Thrusters omu
- 10x Squat Box Jumps omu
- 5x Derkins omd
- Plank position at top of steps, plank walked down steps, up steps, down steps
20 count to recover
- Reverse sides in plank position at bottom of steps, plank walked up steps, down steps, up steps
- Returned to the sweat box
- 10x Derkins omd
- 10x Squat Box Jumps omu
- 20x Box Hip Thrusters omu – hold 1 minute to finish
- 10x Squat Box Jumps omu
- 10x Derkins omd
- Plank position at top of steps, plank walked down steps, up steps, down steps
20 count to recover, rinse & repeat – Q out of breath
Lined up at the wall for something new.
Balls To The Wall position for 20x Hip Slappers omc(call)
10 count to recover, rinse & repeat – Q really having a hard time breathing
Balls To The Wall position for 20x Austrailian Mountain Climbers omc
Returned to steps for Carolina Dry Ball Merkins 10x omd
Mosey to front of building to handicap ramp. Pax waited in Merican Hammers while each pax mounted the handrails (feet one side, hands on the other) and worked their way around to the top of the ramp. RipTide did this some time ago and I can’t remember the name of it, but it was fun after BTTW exercises.
Mary Q = Goose
Mosey back to starting parking lot.
- 20x Box Cutter 4CIC
- 20x WWI Sit-ups
- 20x LBCs omu
- Reminder about Roll Tide’s M doing yoga this afternoon.
- Reminder: Roll Tide is throwing a party for 2nd Graders from JT Barber Elementary School. Friday, May 25th, 9:00 – 1:30. Volunteers needed. Contact Roll Tide to participate. Thank you Roll Tide for your involvement with the community – this is an example of what F3 is about and a goal for all of us to help, participate and contribute to our communities as leaders, men and families.
Done. Finished early, but packed in a good workout. Appeared that everyone broke a sweat and i even heard a few grunts emitted by pax other than the Qs.
Thank you for allowing and encouraging us to Q. Much appreciated.
Goose & Gander