Making Whoppers all day? No problem – and portioning will be right. Dropping fries? Please, in my sleep. Pull ups? Not so much. YHC has many weaknesses, including lack of upper body strength. I’m thankful that 18 strong (with 2 FNGs!) posted to help me hopefully improve this area, not to mention that I couldn’t imagine doing much of a lower body workout after Oz’s Heartbreak Hill. With the mission statement and disclaimer out of the way, we started with……
- Side Straddle Hops IC X 10
- Helicopters IC X 10
- Sun Gods IC X 10 – F/R all large
- Michael Phelps IC X 10
Lap around park, partner up
THANG – 3 Stations
YHC did not do a great job of explaining all stations, but unlike some Burger King employees the PAX figured it out quickly!
(1)Swing set 1:
- Pull Ups, 2 sets of five
- Hanging rows 2 sets of 10
- Dips 2 sets of 15
(2)Random Area with glow stick:
- 20 lbs. Ruck Plate pass X 20 each side
- LBCs slow w/hold X 25
- Sumo Squats X 30
(3) Second swing set:
- Partner Shoulder Press X 10 or to failure
- Back to back squat hold
- Swing Set Rows X 25
6 men at each station, partnered up, completed all exercises then Bear Crawl from 1 to 2, Lieutenant Dan from 2 to 3, and Lunge walk from 3 to 1. Rinse repeat, then lap around park – back to gazebo for….
- Merkin Madness – 2 minutes (please read 40 seconds, exactly)
- Low slow flutter IC X 25
Announcements: Unicorn on the Bear, Pinewood Derby for dads on 3/24 at the Yacht Club, and a handful of prayer requests (lots of people/families going through challenging times, colleagues, coworkers, friends with deaths of loved ones)
Welcome FNGs Spaceballs (Andy Schwartz) and Goose (Bill McClay)!
YHC closed in prayer.
Excellent work today men, thank you for pushing me. Oz got in extra work from having to overhead press YHC during last set of pull ups.
Truly an honor to lead and be a part of this group. Don’t be a LTO. McRib out!