The Fartlek Backblast

Four hardy men posted in spite of the threat of rain (there was none) for a little speed work in training for the bridge run. YHC was prepared with his Weinke  (new term for your Q) in plastic.  With no FNG’s, we jumped right in:

Warmarama:  SSH x 25, Cotton-pickers x 15, Shoulder work:   small circle Sun Gods forward x 10, then large circle x 10; small circles backward x 10, then large circles back; front claps x 10; overhead claps x 10, Moroccan nightclubs x 20–all without dropping the arms; Downward dog calf stretches into upward dog; quad stretches and Oz pigeon stretches.

Thang:  Run to Garber parking lot at 10K pace, where we did BLIMPS separated by a lab around the lot.  Odd laps at ‘speed’, even laps at recovery pace.  After lap 1, 5 Burpees; 2, 10 lunges each leg; 3, 15 Imperial walkers; 4, 20 merkins IC; 5, 25 plank jacks IC; 6, 30 squats.

To the wall for 20 dips and 20 irkins, then mosey right out of parking lot and circled back to NBGCC, with AYG from drive to first speed bump.  With a bit of extra time, one Blue Hawaiian lap.

Mary:  American hammers; low slow, slow flutters, box cutters.

Honored to be a part of the group and to lead.

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