The Point Backblast – B.O.M.B.S Away!

6 men fought the urge to fartsack after UNC’s big victory and gathered at Union Point Park on this absolutely beautiful crisp morning. With no FNG’s YHC kicked things off with…

Windmills x 14 IC 4CT
Michael Phelps x 12 IC, 4 CT
Seal Jacks x 14 IC, 4 CT
Hillbillies x 14 IC 4CT
Downward Dog OYO

We did an Indian run to the field adjacent to the traffic circle during which there was mumble chatter about the previous night’s game. Once there YHC explained the mission of splitting into teams of 2 with one partner to perform the exercise while the other sprints across field to the cones on the far side. The roles were to be alternated until each team reached the number of reps below.
B: Burbies x 50
O: Overhead Clappers x 100
M: Merkins x 150
B: Big Boy Sit-ups x 200
S: Squats x 250
After a few groans we got right to it…..

When we finished we moseyed to the back of the gazebo for 75 calf raises (This was changed from the original call of 50 at Lil’ Wayne’s request) and…

Dollies X 14 IC
Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC 4CT
LBC x 50 IC
Box Cutters x 14 IC 4CT

We closed with Name-O-Rama, Announcements (Bridge Run (March 24th) and a short prayer.

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