– Mosey to Garber
– Cotton Pickers x 10
– Downward Dog
– L over R, R over L
– Single-leg dead lift with squats x 5 each side
3 Poles
-Easy x 1 pole, medium x 1 pole, hard x 1 pole (mosey to the 6.)
* Partners
* Round 1
* Partner A
* Merkins x 10
* SSH x 10
* Partner B
* Sprint length, focus on acceleration.
* mosey back x 5
* Round 2
* Partner A
* LBC x 30
* Burpee x 10
* Karioka x 5 lenghs (right and left)
* Round 3
* Partner A
* Dolly x 10
* Squats x 10
* Partner B
* Run Backwards x 5
Snake Run Back
Closed in prayer.
Enjoyed it.
Apology to Conrad Murray and Lil Wayne. I confused who was actually scheduled for the Bushwood Q.
Conrad Murray has stepped up to the plate and is on for Wednesday – Rest up.