11 men including one FNG (Perry Mason) gathered at Union Point in the gloom on this brisk morning. Cookout came in hot but joined right in mid warm up. We started with…
SSH x 15 IC, 4 CT
Windmills x 15 IC 4CT
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC 4C
Imperial Walkers 15 IC 4CT
Downward Dog OYO
We then did an Indian Run around Union Point Park to the parking lot in front of the convention center. Once there we…
Sprinted to end did 10 Merkins and Lunged back 20 Squats – Al Gore for 6, then
Sprinted to end did 10 Merkins and Karaoked back 20 Squats – Plank for 6
Rinsed and Repeated
We then crossed the road to the front of the convention centers for a raccoon walk before moseying to the back for some partner sets. We started with each team doing 80 Dips and 80 Squats followed by each team doing 80 Merkins and 80 Squats. When the pax was finished we moseyed back to Union Point Park were we found some blinking lights and cones. After confirming that it was not a Harrier landing pad we…
Bear Crawled to the far cone, did 5 Burpees, Lunged back and did 10 Merkins – Al Gored for 6
Crab Walked to far cone did 5 Burpees, Lunged back did 10 Merkins – Al Gored for 6
We then did an Indian Run around park before moseying to the back of the gazebo for 100 calf raises. We closed with….
Low Slow Flutter x 15 IC 4CT
LBC – 30
Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC 4CT
John Travolta’s x 12 IC 4CT (Each Side)
We closed with Name-O-Rama and a short prayer.